An assessment is the process that seeks to understand the psychological underpinnings of a child’s challenges or behavior.

Through the assessment process, parents and teachers will learn exactly what makes up a child’s strengths, what is contributing to a child’s struggles and how to level the playing field for their weaknesses. Often teachers and doctors recommend to parents that their child be assessed by a child psychologist. Other times, parents self-refer their child for a comprehensive assessment based on their own observations or questions. Assessment findings and results are typically valid for a period of two to three years.

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Assessments provide clarity on how to best support your child with learning, social interactions, and self-regulation.

Psychoeducational assessments are comprehensive in nature whereby the psychologist administers standardized assessment measures with your child to obtain data pertaining to the child’s cognitive processes and intellectual functioning, academic achievement, neuropsychological development, and social, behavioral, or emotional functioning.

childrens counselling calgary
childrens counselling calgary

For many, having an assessment is the first step toward diagnosis and accessing timely interventions and support.

Assessments can identify and tease apart neurodevelopmental disorders such as learning disabilities, academic under-achievement, cognitive exceptionalities, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), social communication disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder, the root of emotional dysregulation, and anxiety disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder, to name a few.

childrens counselling calgary

Psychoeducational Assessment

The Assessment Process is enjoyable for the child. It is one-on-one time that is entirely positively reinforcing where your child has fun and feels good about themselves afterwards.

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We are specifically trained in the early identification of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which is crucial in order to obtain services from Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) and access early intervention programming.

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A Gifted or cognitive assessment provides a deeper understanding of children who present as motivated, bright, mature, highly energized, and articulate.